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Anchored 4 Life

Anchored 4 Life is a program sponsored by the Department of Defense. It provides training and resources for leadership & life challenges for students & families. We are here for support!


  • Life Changes- A4L Adult Staff & Team Leaders can meet with students who are experiencing big life changes. We have kits for the following issues: 
    • Welcome- Any new student in your room can be welcomed and given a kit. 
    • Moving- Any student who is moving away can be given a kit. Please let us know a week in advance because there is a goodbye page for your other students to sign.  
    • Deployment- These kits are for students with a military-employed parent who is leaving for an extended deployment. We typically only give these once and then add a scarf for each additional deployment.
    • Coming Home- These kits are for students whose deployed parents have returned.
    • Divorce- Any student experiencing a divorce in their home can meet with an adult A4L member to talk and get a kit with help & processing ideas.
    • Grief- Any student who has experienced a loss in their home can meet with an adult A4L member to talk and get a kit with help & processing ideas.
  • Leadership- Team Leaders & Crew Members are being trained to help with playground mediation, bullying, and making friends. They will be available during recess times.

Anchored 4 Life Students