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Attendance Matters

School attendance is required by law and is critical to students’ success in school and life. Research shows that children who miss 20 or more days of school in a given school year are less likely to graduate from high school. Missing even two days a month adds up to 20 days a year. 

We want to help ensure that every student has strong attendance every year. Please visit the Oak Harbor Public Schools board policy 3122 and procedure 3122P regarding excused and unexcused absences.

A tool to help parents track attendance and grades is the Family Access program in Skyward. Contact the front office of the school your child attends for instructions on signing in and using the system.

Skyward Family Access



To maximize your child’s learning, it is important for your child to be at school, on time, all day.

ABSENCES: Washington State has a compulsory school attendance law (RCW 22A.225.010).   If your child is absent from school for any reason, please do the following:

  1. Call the school attendance line by 9:00 a.m. at 360.279.5148 or our main office at 360.279.5100 to notify office personnel of the absence.
  2. Send a dated and signed note with your child within 48 hours of returning to school, explaining the reason for the absence and the date(s) of the absence or you may e-mail an attendance note to           
  3. Contact the classroom teacher and ask for any missed work.
  4. If you anticipate a lengthy absence (more than 3 consecutive days) for a medical reason, please provide the school with a note from your doctor.
  5. Please schedule family vacations during regular school vacations so your child does not miss school. 

EXCESSIVE ABSENCES:  If your child has 3 or more unexcused absences in a month, you will receive a letter from the school requesting a meeting or phone conference with our Dean of Students. 

Please note:  If your child has had a fever or vomited within the past 24 hours, they MAY NOT come to school.

PREARRANGED EXTENDED ABSENCES: If your child will be absent for more than 3 consecutive days, other than for illness, an Absence Contract Agreement must be completed and returned to the office.  The classroom teacher should be notified at least 48 hours in advance.  Per Policy No. 3122 item #12, the principal must agree to the absence.  An absence may not be approved if it causes a serious adverse effect on the student’s educational progress.

TARDINESS:  Students are expected to be in class and ready to learn promptly at 8:45 a.m.   Our warning bell rings at 8:35.  Students who are late (tardy) must be ESCORTED TO THE OFFICE BY AN ADULT and signed inIf your child is tardy 4 or more times in a month, you will receive a letter from the Dean requesting a meeting/phone call to resolve the problem.