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Oak Harbor Elementary PTA

Family filling out forms

Oak Harbor Elementary needs you on their team!
When you're in the OHE PTA you:

  •  Volunteer in the community
  • Connect with other parents
  • Build new student programs
  • Stay informed about our school
  • Have lots of fun 

 You're an essential member of our team. How do you fit? You can read, build, assemble, count, serve, lead, and vote. All of these things help to build a better school. Our Parent-Teacher Association is dedicated to helping students, families, and our school come together for the benefit of educating students. Everyone is welcome at our meetings and we would love for you to join our team. 

For regular updates about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities please check us out on our OHE PTA (Oak Harbor) Facebook Group

President: Chantal Dwyer
Vice President: Kayla Danback
Secretary: Courtnie Deckwa
Treasurer: Becky Walters
PTA Facebook Page
Oak Harbor Elementary PTA